
Monday, April 8, 2019

Raranga Matihiko kaupapa Tooku pepeha

Image result for museum in auckland
Last Thursday we did imovie with our work that we had been doing at the Museum. My group was Aisha Savannah and me. It was cool cause we did  te Ao mariko (Virtual reality) in this movie it will show what we have been doing and have been up to for the past few weeks. It is cool doing the VR my favourite part was that the trip was free and that I got to meet whaea lee-annes daughter whaea Waimiiria. She is also in the kapa haka group Ngaa Tumanako they went to Te Matatini comps and they won the Te matatini ki te ao. I didn't get the chance to ask her what her favourite thing in Kapa haka is but that is okay maybe next time. We went to the museum to make a digital pepeha. Some of us do not know our pepeha. Our class and our four kaiako (teacher)  koka chanel, whaea lee, and matua Andre and matua lou (deputy principal).  Went to the Museum there were two kaiako in the akomanga (class) that we were in their names were whaea Waimiiria. and whaea stacey whaea Waimiiria was the rangatira of the akomanga there were 6 things that we did they were Ao mariko, Virtual reality, Hakoritanga, is Stop motion, Karetao is the Robots, Tinkercad, Peita 3d was  paint 3d  and Arai kakariki was the green screen room.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Maani
    Thanks so much for writing your blog post on your visit to the Raranga Matihiko programme at Auckland Museum. It sounds like you had an amazing time and learnt a lot with Hangarau Matihiko including the Ao mariko, karetao and hakoritanga. Sounds like you had some great learning with whaea Waimiria and whaea Stacey and I agree, it is pretty awesome that whaea Waimiria was in the winning Te Matatini group. Thank you for sharing your pepeha and your story.


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